- Latest updates
- New version of Set game: Set-Chain.
- New game for visual memory training.
- Advanced version of game has been added: UltraSet.
- Simplified version of game has been added: Set-Classic.
- New variation of set game: Set-Scrabble.
- Set multiplayer has been added.
- Amusive table for checking power of observation.
- Peg Solitaire.
Set is a real-time card game designed by Marsha Falco and published by Set Enterprises in 1991. The deck consists of 81 cards varying in four features: number (one, two, or three); symbol (diamond, squiggle, or oval); shading (solid, striped, or open); and color (red, green, or blue). Each possible combination of features (e.g., a card with three striped green ovals) appears precisely once in the deck.
If you click on three cards, which are a Set, they will disappear and be replaced by another three. The faster you find the Set the more points you get. The object of the game is to get as many points as possible. "Open 3 Cards" button will add 3 cards from deck to table, but if the Set is already on the table you get 300 points penalty. Otherwise it's free. "Find Set" will show you a Set if it is already there. But it will cost you 500 points each time it finds a Set. And if you select three cards and it is not a Set - you've got 100 points penalty. The deck contains 81 cards, 12 of them are lying on the table at the beginning. Game ends when all cards from deck are gone and there are no Sets on the table.
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